Diagnostic of tracker fleet

Explanation on the Tracker diagnostic on fleet level. This section is WORK IN PROGRESS

Attention: This section is still work in progress

Go to Admin → Trackers and sensors → Diagnostic to access the diagnostics on fleet level.

Following diagnostics are shown:

Device diagnostics

Table 1. Device diagnostics
Diagnostic metric Description How to interpret the diagnostic metric?
Distribution of trackers by state
Distribution of trackers by status
Distribution of hardware by detailed product key
Distribution of hardware by product key
Distribution of subscriptions by state
Trackers with an issue
Device profiles

Battery diagnostics

Table 2. Battery diagnostics
Diagnostic metric Description How to interpret the diagnostic metric?
Battery status
Remaining battery life time

User platform usage & organization diagnostics

Table 3. User platform usage diagnostics
Diagnostic metric Description How to interpret the diagnostic metric?
Number of logins
Organisation metrics
Number of API called

Location diagnostics

Table 4. Location diagnostics
Diagnostic metric Description How to interpret the diagnostic metric?
Distribution o trackers by location accuracy
Percentages of accurate location of trackers