TRACK 1100/1110/ZA3505 firmware release 2.3.2

FW release notes 2.3.2 summary - 8 May 2023

Release date

8 May 2023

Executive summary

  • keyvault check to disable Depassivation (only TRACK 1110)
  • Fix for dropped BLE Geobeacon scans when periodic (BLE Sensor) scans are active. (Sequencer fix)
  • Improved journey sequence number continuity after reboot
  • BLE MAC fix (previous versions advertise the BLE MAC address in byte-reverse order)
  • Quuppa BLE advertisements rate switching improvements
  • Fixed orientation SENSEFL4300 (Skoll)
  • Get modem time as an RTC timesync source
  • Added HW reset of the modem after boot
  • Modem driver additions

    • Function to get the diagnostic values externally
    • Callback when diagnostic values are valid
    • Moved proto definitions to a dedicated folder