Sensolus platform

Learn how the platform can deliver business insights and how you can configure it

Platform Navigation The basics you need to know to start navigating the Sensolus platform.
Asset management When having a multitude of assets equipped with trackers, you also need to manage, configure, customize and maintain all of these trackers. Learn which features Sensolus developed especially to do this.
Infrastructure management Geobeacons and BLE zone anchors are often used as infrastructure to get location information of the tracker when moving indoors. Learn how to configure and install this infrastructure to extend location tracking from outdoor to indoor.
Localization service How does your tracker determine its location? Which (combination of location) technologies are used for doing so? And which type of location insights of your assets does the Sensolus platform provide? Read it here
Utilization service What do we mean with the utilization of an asset? What is the value of knowing this? How is utilization-based maintenance calculated on the Sensolus platform? And which type of utilization insights of your assets does the Sensolus platform provides? Read it here.
Geozone service See how you can create one or multiple geozones or geofences in the platform. Understand how geozone visits are defined and see the asset stock information out of the geozone dashboards.
Maintenance service When does an asset need maintenance? And how can you customize the meaning of "maintenance" for different asset types? Which maintenance insights are provided on the Sensolus platform?
Flows Which sequence of geozones (a flow) is your asset visiting? How many rotations of this flow is it doing over time?
Environmental sensing service What are environmental sensors? How to measure temperature, humidity, orientation or any other environmental condition of your asset? What is the value of knowing more then location? And how does environmental sensing work?
Dashboards Learn about the different dashboard types on the Sensolus platform and start to create your custom dashboards by dragging of dropping of data widgets.
Alerts and reports Learn how to be notified in case of anomalies in your business processes and how to extract reports with relevant data. Learn about the different types of alerts and reports, there are plenty of them available on the Sensolus platform.
Customization The Sensolus platform can be customized in several ways to match the preferences of the organization, or of the service providing partner. Learn how to customize your landing page, report templates, images and icons, and even the full user interface.
User management Different user groups with different roles and rights can be defined. Learn how to manage the users, their permissions and enhance the security of your organization.
Integration API

The Sensolus platform can be interacted with using an API, allowing integration with other systems. Depending on your needs, you can automatically sync data with webhooks or asynchronously pull data according to your needs.

General information on the platform check up-time of the platform, look-up the security metrics of the platform, ...