Installation and activation of trackers

The best way to activate and install your tracker.

The core of the Sensolus solution is that you attach a tracker to the (non-powered) asset you want to follow up remotely with the goal to learn where your asset is, but also about the behavior of your assets, how they travel through your supply chain an if they are used in an optimized way.

By attaching a tracker to your physical assets you create the digital twin of the asset you want to follow-up on the Sensolus platform. The tracker communicates the information it gathers about your asset directly over the internet to the Sensolus platform.

Before mounting the tracker to the asset it is important to activate the tracker.

Tracker activation

Activating the tracker means it starts communicating over the internet. How to activate a tracker might be slightly different depending on the type of tracker. For every tracker you find the activation manual under the specific device in the device section of the documentation center. Overall, a magnet is used to activate a tracker.

When you activate a tracker the status of the tracker on the platform changes from the state to the state.

Note: each time you install a tracker on one of your assets, please make sure to keep track of which tracker (identified by its serial number) is installed on which asset (identified by the asset’s identifier).

The most effective way to create this link between a particular asset and a particular tracker, is by using the Sensolus mobile application, where you can scan the tracker’s QR code or barcode, and type in or scan the asset’s unique identifier as well.

it is very important to verify that the tracker that is installed on an asset has been correctly activated, before allowing the asset to be used again. To verify that the tracker has been activated, make sure your tracker has the marker in the Sensolus platform. The Online status should appear within 5 minutes after holding the magnet to the tracker and the green LED blinking has stopped.

Activation troubleshooting

Activating a tracker that communicates over the NB-IoT network can sometimes come with a delay. With a delay we mean that the online status doesn't appear within 5 minutes after holding the magnet to the tracker. This is mostly due to conditions on the network operator site.

If the activation wasn't successful after 5 minutes the tracker will try again to activate again after waiting 24 hours. This long period of time is often an obstacle to start installing trackers to assets and makes the timing of the installation of the trackers cumbersome as it is important to only install trackers when they appeared as online on the platform.

To overcome to 24 hours waiting time, you can do the following:

  • if after 5 minutes of waiting and the status didn't change yet to "online'' hold the magnet again for 5 seconds on top of the tracker to enforce a new attempt for activation.
  • Keep trying every 5 minutes until the Online status appears.

Tracker installation and mounting to the asset

The right installation and mounting procedure depends on the type of tracker. For each tracker an installation manual is available online. Go to the explanation of your tracker to find the right manual. Follow the instructions to avoid problems due to mistakes during installation.

A mounting manual is also available for all trackers, infrastructure and sensors.

For some assets that are often tracked with Sensolus trackers, we also made asset-specific installation guides.