Environmental sensing introduction

What are environmental sensors? What is the value of knowing more then location? And how does environmental sensing work?

Environmental sensing refers to the different types of measurements related to the asset or the asset's surrounding (in other words, all measurements other than the location). This can be temperature, orientation, being loaded and many more. Most often this environmental information is captured using external BLE sensors. These sensors are mounted within range of the tracker, which acts as gateway to send the sensor information to the Sensolus platform.

Sensolus offers a range of external BLE sensors:

  • Temperature sensors:
  • Temperature and humidity sensor:
  • Magnetic contact sensor:
  • Current sensor:
  • Fill level sensor: detects the level of liquids and other fluids and fluidized solids, including slurry, granular materials, and powders that exhibit an upper free surface. The measurement is both continuous (determine the exact amount of substance in a certain place) and point-level (indicating whether the substance is above or below a sensing point).
  • Load detection sensor: detects the loaded and unloaded status of goods on an asset.
    • SENSE FL 4300

Sensolus provides a set of environmental sensors but can also integrate a sensor on request of a customer.

In addition to the external BLE sensors, several Sensolus tracker models can also measure orientation without needing external sensors.

The environmental sensing service is part of the Professional and Analytics subscription plan.