Utilization concepts

Understand the jargon used about the utilization service: utilization KPI, utilization metrics

Utilization KPI

The utilization KPI is the key performance indicator you ascribe to one or multiple assets to define when an asset is defined as 'being utilized'. A utilization KPI contains following mandatory and optional fields:
  • Reference timezone: the local time of this timezone will be used to register hour/weekly/monthly utilization data. (mandatory field)
  • Monitored assets (mandatory field)
  • Utilization metric: count (optional field)
  • Utilization metric: duration (optional field)
  • Utilization metric: distance (optional field)
  • Utilization metric: used yes/no (optional field)

Utilization metric

An utilization metric is a metric (duration, count, distance,…) that is used to define if an asset is 'used'. Because 'in use' depends of the asset type and the type of behavior and usage of the asset, it can be more relevant to use a different metric. Therefore, we provide different type of metrics.