Difference between journey and location

Explanation on the differences between what you see on the journey and location tab of a tracker.

What you seen when clicking the Journey or Location tab of a single asset is different. The differences between both are described in the table below.

Table 1. Comparison between journey and location tab
Journey tab Location tab
Available for what tracker? Trackers with start-stop (movement) profiles All trackers
Shows what type of location updates? Start, stops and On The Moves All locations
Time-related information Time stopped

Time moving

Location recording time
Filtering options Group short activities at the same location Group nearby locations

Location trigger updates

Location source

Goal Insights on where an asset stopped and for how long Insights in locations of the tracker and analysis of the working of the tracker

Journey and locations of BLE tags

What is shown in the journey and location tabs for BLE tags are very different from the connected trackers. For now, journeys of BLE tags are only shown when they are scanned by vehicle trackers or Zebra mobile app devices. When BLE tags are seen by zone anchors, nothing will be shown in the journeys. As this is still work in progress, this will still change in the next months. Take a look tat the localizaton for BLE tag tracker to get more insights on their working.