Mobile app home section

Information on the Home section on the Mobile app

The Home section of the mobile app contains the most important Home section information also available on the web platform. But it is more limited. In addition, the mobile app contains the important feature to find nearby devices. This feature is an app-only feature as it uses the BLE function on your mobile phone.

In the table below we show the differences for an account with an Analytics subscription.

Table 1. Comparision web and app
Web platform Home Mobile app Home

All dashboards Dashboards
Assets → Asset map Asset map
Assets → Asset list Asset list
Assets → Tags Asset tags
Geozones → Geozone list Geozones
Alerts → Active alerts list Alerts
- Favorites
- Nearby
Utilization -
Process (lab) -
Maintenance No top navigation, but maintenance data accessible on asset detail page.
Reports -


On the mobile app it is possible to favorite certain information (trackers, tags and geozones). All information where a star is shown can be made to be a favorite. The first tab on the mobile app is also the "Favorites" tab.

Table 2. Favorites interaction
Possibility to favorite Make favorite Favorites view

Geozone "Factory Gent" - empty star shows possibility to favorite Geozone "Factory Gent" - yellow star shows geozone is now a favorite Favorites screen shows "Factory Gent" in the overview

If you want to unfavor an item, just click again on the star.


Nearby is a mobile app-only feature. The location technologies on your mobile phone are used to find nearby assets or sensors. To make this possible the app needs access to your location technologies. So please, give the application access to your BLE and GPS location service.

In addition, Bluetooth is not activated by default on your tracker. It might be needed to activate Bluetooth on your devices.

You can find nearby assets in 2 ways:

  • See assets nearby phone (visible over Bluetooth)
  • See assets in < 1 km from you (location distance) (

The Search function on the mobile phone

On the mobile app there is one Global Search function. This means the search happens on top of every sub-menu item. If you look for a specific text it will find all the items containing this text under Assets, Tags and Geozones tabs. In the example below the search term is "factory". If you look into the Devices tab you will find no devices with this text, neither under tags, but under Geozones you will see different geozones with names containing "factory".

See, edit and manage individual asset

By clicking on an individual asset the location of the asset on the map is shown and all related asset data (just like on the asset status page on the web platform).

By clicking the edit button you can change the name, image, add or update tags and add or change visibility filters.

Other interactions starting from the asset details page

There are plenty of things you can do on this single asset page, from uploading new tracker profiles to viewing logs.

Here under we describe the most important actions you can also do on this page.

Screen Feature

Update custom data

Start, register performed maintenance or reset maintenance of an asset

Configuration contains two different features:
  • Select a new tracker profile
  • Link a sensor to the tracker. Important to do this is that the service for connecting sensors to your tracker is activated (check with support if this should and isn't the case).

Advanced: take a look at the Device messages

Firmware: update the firmware over Bluetooth

Bluetooth action:
  • Find nearby devices (this works in the same way as the Home → Nearby → Assets function described on top of this page
  • Blink LED: select this link if you want your nearby tracker to start blinking.
  • Trigger periodic actions: for test purposes you can decide to trigger an action (e.g., GPS location fix) directly from here.
  • Console: if you are asked to let your device automatically send logs to sensolus.
  • File manager: access the file manger
Note: be aware that for some of these functions you need dedicated account permissions. So it is totally normal if you don't see all of these on your interface.