Localization triggers
There are different triggers to let a tracker capture a location: motion-based, periodic, scheduled, context or relocation-based.
Localization triggers
Next to understanding the various technologies to capture locations, it is also relevant to understand when the tracker decides to capture a location. In
Sensolus solutions may use the following triggers to initiate a location capture.
- Motion: Every time an asset starts and stops moving, a location update is sent.
Periodic: Location updates are sent at a fixed time interval. (Example: every 3 hours)
Scheduled: Location updates are sent following a configured schedule. (Example: every day at 8 AM)
Context-based: Every time a change in context happens, a location update is sent. (Example: an asset has been tilted)
- Turn-by-turn: Every time a distance, speed or heading changes or after a certain delay.
Relocation based: Every time an asset has moved more than xx meter and speed exceeded yy km/h. (Example: moved > 2000 meter and speed > 40 km/h)