November 10, 2023

Explanation on the platform release 5.5.7 for organizations

Asset status page updated

The asset status page has been redesigned. All information is still there, but the interface should be more user-friendly now. If you want to know the design decisions behind this change you can read the LinkedIn post on this change.

Geolayers added: network layers

On every map there are some geolayers added that you can show on the map.

Most important are the following types of geolayers:

  • Roaming agreements with Nb-IoT provider: this shows the communication network coverage as defined by the telecommunication provider.
  • Live coverage maps: these are coverage maps created by Sensolus. Based on Sensolus tracker messages we define if a certain location has coverage (or not). Green means 'coverage' and read means 'no coverage'. These maps are daily updated with new data.

Date range picker updated

We updated the way to select a time period. This interaction is used on different pages on the platform (for example, when you create a report or look at the location history ). When you switch from selecting a day, week, month or custom period the interaction is now more intuitive.

New report: geozone inventory report

A new report type is available. The geozone inventory report contains information on the number of assets inside each geozone on the moment the report is created.

New Push API: battery data

Until now battery information of trackers are only available via Pull API. From now on they are also available as webhook in the "All' data type.

Dashboards reworked

This rework is only visible to the organizations and partners that use the dashboards functionality. If you encounter problems with your dashboards due to the rework, please contact support.

Network location on NB-IoT trackers (TRACK 11xx range)

We are adding Network location capabilities for NB-IoT trackers. This means that the platform uses the unique identifier of the NB-IoT cell tower to resolve the geographical location of the tracker. The accuracy of NB-IOT network locations is very low compared to other technologies - similar to the already existing Sigfox Network locations.

The NB-IOT Network location can also be used in combination with Wi-Fi localization to cross-check whether the Wi-Fi localization is not an occasional 'jumper' Wi-Fi location. Read the Wi-Fi localization for more information. This cross-check will be gradually rolled out by Sensolus in the tracker configuration profiles over the coming weeks. If you recently have been experiencing an unacceptable level of Wi-Fi jumpers, please contact support and so can expedite the Wi-Fi consistency cross-check for your organization.