August 10, 2023

Release notes platform release 5.5.4

Rework maintenance service

With the Sensolus solution you can manage and monitor the maintenance of your asset. This service is not new but has been reworked during this release. Now the maintenance service has an updated workflow and more user-friendly user interface and interaction. Take a look at the updated documentation on maintenance to see what has changed. Or just start to create a maintenance program to test out this feature (only for users with an analytics subscription)

Column settings configuration

Every table on the Sensolus platform can be configured to be as meaningful as possible for your usage. The possibilities to configure the table are extended. Read everything about the column and filtering configuration.

In addition, we also made a better description of each parameter that can be used to filter the data in a table.

Ability to delete Wi-Fi locations of an asset

Seldom, but not never, you can see a very weird location point when looking to your journey or locations. You know this location can impossibly be real. For example: your asset jumps in 3 minutes from Amsterdam to Barcelona. The reason behind this strange behavior and how to solve this is explained here.

Send custom reports over e-mail

For API users it is now also possible to deliver externally generated custom reports via e-mail instead of only seeing them in the report list on the platform.