September 12, 2023

Explanation on the platform release 5.5.5 for organizations

Tracker diagnostics

Until now a customer could ask to view the diagnostics information of their trackers. From now on, a customer will have access to this information by default. Diagnostics information are interesting for better follow-up of the configuration, installation, roll-out and working of your trackers.

New tracker diagnostic: number of trackers with at least a major issue

To clarify the difference between minor and major issues on trackers, a new metric is added to the tracker fleet diagnostics. The new metric is added to the graph Trackers with an issue. From the moment one tracker has a major issue, a dark blue point/line will appear which shows the (number of) trackers with a major issue(s).

New report types: upcoming maintenance & executed maintenance

Two new reports are added, dedicated to better maintenance follow-up.

Input infrastructure location by bringing in latitude and longitude

Until now you had to navigate on a map to position your infrastructure device . Now a longitude and latitude field are added. This makes it possible to position your infrastructure based on this input instead of navigating to a location on the map. (add link to updated documentation)

Device messages

The device messages of a single tracker are now visualized for every account on the platform. You find the device messages on the Tracker details page in the Device message tab.

For account that already had access to this feature, some updates are implemented in this release:
  • some fields are grouped to make the messages easier to analyze
  • a graph is added with counts of message information
  • by clicking on a bar in the graph the selected message type is shown in the panel below.