June 26, 2024

Public release notes of platform version 5.6.5

Major improvement to user role editor and permissions

The user role editor (available for organizations having the Security Add-on) has been improved significantly.

With this release, it becomes very straightforward to control which navigation menu items are available to a custom user role. Additionally, we've cleanly separated user interface permissions (controlling the appearance of user interface elements) from data permissions (operating at API level). Read more here: Manage user roles.

In the upcoming months, we'll do some further fine-tuning to the available data permissions.

Improved tracker and organization diagnostics interface

We are in spring cleaning mode... despite the horrible spring weather of the last months, we did some good cleaning and polishing of the charts and other information of the diagnostics pages. Be sure to take a look!

We also added explanations on the statistics in the documentation center.

Editing custom data fields in the web portal

Until before, only the mobile app offered a users friendly way to edit custom data fields on tracked assets (Manually updating custom data via the mobile phone). In the web platform, editing these same custom data fields was only possible directly in the JSON format - which is very technical and making it only useful for troubleshooting reasons. Starting from this release, there now also is a user-friendly editor in the web portal.

New custom data field: date only

In some case, you only want to capture the date in a custom field, and the time value is irrelevant. Therefore we added a custom data field type that is limited to the date only.

Improvements to account creation and invitation emails

  • After having activated an account from their invitation email, when users now click a second time on the link of the same activation email, they now see a message saying the account was already activated; also containing the instructions how to login.
  • When an account is activated, users get a confirmation email - containing a link to the login page.
  • The layout and formatting of the different user account-related emails was made more consistent.

New alert type: close to location

With this new alert type you can create an alert by providing a location (latitude/longitude) and the radius. If an asset enters the radius (this is like a geozone without the need to create a geozone), an alert will be raised.

Asset status page: better explanation of 'last activity' and 'last location' information

Users get confused by last location and last activity time stamp. We make more clear by mentioning the first line is the last received location and the second line is the last received activity. A direct link to the locations tab is also added to the status page for users to check the details directly.

Small reminder: Last location means the last location event that happened, regardless of movement. Activity is more selective: it means the last event when motion of the tracked asset (example a START, STOP or MOVING) happened. A 'periodic' or 'scheduled' location event will not update the 'last activity' value.

Name field added to webhooks

When you have set up several webhooks (= API integrations that automatically send a message to an external system on changes), it becomes difficult to identify what they are used for. Therefore an extra name field is added where users can enter a descriptive name.

Optimization of Device messages page

In this release we improved the device messages views. This is mainly important for technically-oriented users willing to dive into the technical details of tracker localization and message sending. Over time, the individual messages started to occupy a lot of screen real estate, as the NB-IoT technology allowed us to capture more information than before. So, we've made added more feature to hide the information that you don't need:

  • All messages will be grouped by sequence number, indicating they were sent together.
  • Toggle the displaying of raw data.
  • Toggle the display of the network communication statistics details (and remember on user level).
  • Copy message to clipboard (JSON format).

Asset location tab: update

In the 'All' view of the locations we add some handy extra fields in the chronological list of locations: location accuracy, received at time, location details. This avoids the repeated clicking to find out important details when investigating the tracker location history. In the 'compact' view mode nothing has been changed.

Several improvements to the mobile app

  • It will now be possible to display Sensolus dashboards in the mobile app. (Before, this was limited to PowerBI embedded dashboards.)

  • US imperial units are supported (journey distances, temperature, speed, maintenance-related values).
  • The tracker firmware version is display on the tracker details.

List filtering: new filter options for numeric values

For columns (fields) having a numeric data type, we added extra filtering capabilities. It is now possible to use the 'has value equal to …' and 'has no value' as filter criteria.

External BLE sensor page improved

The overview page of selected external BLE sensor details page was due for some cleanup: it showed a long list sensor fields / attributes without structuring. With this release, this screen got some restructuring, giving a more orderly view, in line with the other devices detail pages.

Tracker configuration profiles: conditional visibility

Some tracker configuration profiles - the ones that have many settings - tend to become quite long, making it a bit harder to see find the settings you are interested in. From now on, we will be able to make profiles with settings that are only visible when another related setting is activated. For example, the detailed BLE sensor settings will only appear when the sensor option is enabled. We will gradually apply this in the coming weeks/months to our tracker configuration profiles.

New alert type: asset (with current clamp sensor) is used but not charging

This new alert type will trigger an alert when an asset is used but not charged. For use-cases where a rechargeable machine is rented out, and the company wants to monitor proper charging of the rented equipment.