Aug 2, 2024

Public release notes of platform version 5.6.6

Improvements when creating custom data channels

Two small improvements were added to assist with the creation of custom data channels:

  • You can now choose several examples to start from.
  • The link to the JSON schema definition is displayed.

Improvements to dashboards

  • Click-through behavior has been implemented on several charts (for example, on a bar chart, click on a single bar will take you to the corresponding list view, with a filter on grouped automatically applied)
  • On table widgets, click the new icon on the top-right table header to open the corresponding full list view. The table widget filters are taken over. This way, you can further explore data starting from a dashboard.
  • Small bug-fixes with dashboards.

Improved icon and images selection

In previous releases, the image and icon library was split into logical sections. In this release, some more changes on this theme:

  • In the image or icon selection pop-up window of a device (for example when change the asset icon) a search box is now available, making it easier to find an icon or image.
  • Fixed a long-outstanding bug where icons or images in the selection pop-up were not shown.
  • Uploading images or icons now must always happen via the 'Images' admin menu (Admin menu → Customization → Images). It is no longer possible to upload images or icons directly from a device's image/icon selection pop-up.

Tracker orientation state as utilization KPI

Before, it was already possible to have asset utilization calculated based on journeys or sensor states. With this release, it is possible to use the tracker orientation state to calculate when the asset is used and unused.

Edit visibility filters of utilization KPI

It is now possible to edit the visibility filters after creation of a utilization KPI (earlier, this was automatically filled based on the user who created the KPI). As a reminder, the restriction logic remains the same: to see the utilization data of assets included in a utilization view, they need both the visibility filter on KPI level as well as the visibility filters on the individual assets.

Export as report when the lists have grouped results

It is now also possible to correctly export lists when they are grouped on a field (for example, the asset list grouped by status). Before, the count metric was not included in the generated report.

Small changes to permissions

  • Some permissions that don't make sense not to have, have been removed. Instead, whenever the user is authenticated, authorization to the resource is granted. This applies to: viewing notifications, viewing images/icons, viewing/editing own user profile, viewing basic current organization details.
  • Permissions can be linked to feature keys. This way, the role editor can spot which permissions don't apply for his organization. We will gradually apply this to existing permissions.
  • MANAGE_MAINTENANCE has been split into two permissions: MAINTENANCE_PROGRAM_MANAGE (manage programs - this is for the administrators) and MAINTENANCE_STATE_MANAGE (Start, register, change and reset maintenance on assets - this is intended for end-users registering maintenance)

Process engine: more rule types

In the process engine (currently a Lab Feature), more types of conditions that can be used in direct rules and transition rules:

  • LOCATION_SOURCE: re on technical location source (gps, geobeacon, wifi, network, …)
  • ORIENTATION_STATE: filter on the orientation states (typically customized per organization)
  • BLE_SENSOR_STATE: filter on the custom state of linked BLE sensors (typically customized per organization)

Webhook API extensions

  • Webhook 'orientation_state': added fields 'yaw', 'roll' and 'pitch' to the 'data' object.
  • Webhook 'Alert': added fields 'ruleName' and 'insertTime' to the 'alert' object.

Cleanup of the 'Device Status' field

Over the past months, we have been aligning how the different types of devices are displayed and managed in the platform (trackers, sensor and infrastructure devices). Because of this, the available device statuses grew a bit unwieldy. With this release, the following statuses have been removed:

  • SET_LOCATION has been removed. Applied only for infrastructure items. In the next release, we will show via another warning when the location still must be set.
  • OK and NOK (applied only to infra devices) have been removed. Instead, infra devices follow the regular 'READY_FOR_USE'/'ONLINE'/'OFFLINE' just like tracker devices.
  • UNLINKED (for sensor devices only) is converted 'NOT ACTIVATED' status.
  • READY_FOR_REPLACEMENT has been removed (was not used anymore)

Battery information tab

For battery-powered Sensolus devices, the Battery details tab is being improved. Over the coming weeks, we will do some further improvements still to this topic.

  • The user interface has been cleaned up.
  • The concept of 'Intended Battery Life' is introduced. The ultimate goal is that administrators can register how long a battery should last according to the initial use case estimation (for example 5 years). Over time, it will then be able to follow up whether this target can be reached based on the actual real-life patterns, tracker configuration and reported energy consumption use.
  • For BLE tags or Sensors, an estimated life time is being added. Currently the time of first activation is used as start.